2 row malt
Crystal 60L malt
Flaked Barley
Centennial Hops
Amarillo Hops
Cascade Hops
Safale 05 yeast
Irish moss
The grains are simple. A little crystal for color and flaked barley for head retention. In my opinion IPA's should be about the hops. Deciding which hops, how many, and when to add them to the boil was a tedious task and the center of discussion. Hopefully we got it right.
OG: 1.048*
FG: 1.017
ABV: ??%
In order to take the initial gravity you need to take a sample of the wort. My method for doing this was to collect some in a cup as it poured out of the kettle and into the fermentor. I did this because I felt it was slightly more sanitary than sticking a tube into the fermentor and extracting some of the wort (although I don't know why I was concerned considering that's how I did it 20 times before and never had a problem). I think the issue with this is that the wort was not mixed completely when I took the sample, and I got a gravity reading far below what it should have been. There are three possible causes for this low reading: 1. I did something horrible wrong and the actual gravity is 1.048. 2. The hydrometer is broken. 3. The reason stated above, that the wort was not mixed. I checked the hydrometer and it is not broken, and the final gravity of 1.017 suggests that the starting gravity was actually closer to 1.063. So I am leaning towards believing that the reading was wrong and the actual starting gravity was 1.060+. That brings the ABV to somewhere around 6.0%.
As I am writing this I am brewing a Brown Ale and an all-grain version of the Double IPA is in progress and will be brewed next weekend. Bottling for the IPA and the Brown will both take place next weekend as well.